Always Thanking!: Colossians 1:3-14

Published by Richard Bustraan on

Always Thank! Always Pray!

Always Thanking! (Colossians 1:3-14)

Why We Thank The Lord

One of the most beneficial habits I have developed is thanking the Lord. Like you, I grumble. I complain. When life takes unexpected and undesirable turns, my first response is to whine. When I thank first and thank always, it benefits me and it opens the door for God’s Holy Spirit to flow.

In Part 1, we ask, What about Paul? What was he thankful about?

I want to uncomplicate Paul’s letter to the Colossians. I want you to understand it and be deeply blessed.

In Part 1 – We look at Always Thanking. I want the Lord unlock a life changing secret and let the heavenly blessings flow in you. Let the spirit thankfulness set you free.


Why Thank The Lord
(Colossians 1:1-8)

The Hope of Heaven

The Gospel is the “Hope of Heaven.” Your reservation has already been made. In Jesus, have a heavenly hope. We have an eternal hope. We have a guarantee from God himself that there is a space in God’s house, eternal pleasures, a resurrection body, glorious happiness in God’s paradise shared with none other than the Lord himself. The moment you first believe, a reservation is made for you. 



Hope is anticipating something wonderful in the future. Hope means that this wonderful thing is guaranteed. Hope in heaven is not like hope in the weather. When we have planned a family day in the park, we hope for sun. It might be sunny, we hope that it doesn’t rain. In this case, sunny weather is not guaranteed, but we would really like it to be sunny. If rain falls on the morning of our day in the park, we are disappointed. The hope of heaven is not this way. You will receive it. It is glorious. It is in the future. So, in Jesus, our guaranteed future hope produces something. 


What does this hope produce? It produces faith and love. Faith and love are like a branches that spring up from the root of the plant, which is the hope of heaven.

FAITH – The cry of faith is that God is able to do what he promised. It looks past all circumstances and replies on the fact that God will not fail. He will come through. He is able!

LOVE – The love mentioned in Colossians is not simply a nice feeling. Neither is it love for God. It is love for the people of God. Initially this is easy. But, as time passes and you have bad experiences with God’s people, it can be difficult to continue to walk in the love for God’s people. However, this love for God’s people is what stems from the hope reserved for you.


In Paul’s day the Gospel was spreading around the world. This is why Paul thanked the Lord. The beautiful benefit of faith and love that could be witnessed in Colossae, was also being experienced all over the world.

Today, the Gospel is spreading around the world. The Gospel is “bearing fruit.”  God wants all people to find a hope reserved for them in heaven. The fact that more people have found the hope of heaven means that there is more faith and love all over the world.


Why be thankful! We should thank the Lord that so many people are reserving their space in heaven, they are finding the hope of heaven. Thank the Lord for the global harvest that is taking place. It should become part of our daily prayer to rise in the morning and give thanks that today more people will find the hope in heaven. More faith and love will spread from this hope in heaven.

Categories: Colossians

Richard Bustraan

For over 30 I have lived on four continents, teaching the Bible. I want you to know Jesus. Know Him and you will know life.