Fighting FOR You: Colossians 2:1-5

Published by Richard Bustraan on

Fighting For You

Fighting FOR You! Colossians 2:1-5

A Grueling Conflict

There are times when the personal conflict is so fierce that you wonder if you can remain on your feet for another second. You are in the corner. Your gloves are covering your face. You are taking blow after blow.

Life is difficult. It is a grueling battle. We must come to terms with what it means to fight in the power of Christ, to want to overcome and to want to win.

George Verwer said. “Wherever two or more are gathered together in Jesus name, there will be trouble.” Imagine if the energy and time that we spent plotting, gossiping and waring against each other was spent on blessing  and building each other. Think of the potential.

Suffering Defeat

Some battles we lose. There are times when we suffer severe casualties and are left for dead. There are times when we have to lick our wounds, walk away and find healing in God’s faithfulness and kindness. We need to reflect on these losses. We need to learn lessons, seek council and let the Lord restore us.

Defeated By The Church

Sadly, there are too many defeats suffered at the hands of those who claim to be brothers and sisters in Jesus. We die from friendly fire. We fear attending church for being attacked by those inside. It is safer outside the building and outside the fold.

This redefines Christian persecution. It is Christians persecuting Christians. After one or two experiences being destroyed by the church, it leaves a person fearful and untrusting.


I have taught the Bible to people of all kinds of religions. So, on occasion, I have been asked if I have ever been persecuted by Muslim people. After all, Muslims have been known to trouble Christians. I answer truthfully, “No.”

In fact, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists have never caused me any trouble. I have found nothing but kind hospitality.

However, the same is not always true with Christians. In years of ministry, I have been repeatedly surprised at the level of energy invested in bickering, slandering, undermining and disputing with each other over trivial issues. These internal church struggles dull the shine of happiness, erode desire to serve and leave us feeling worn out.

Then there are the large battles. Twice in my life I have been betrayed and ambushed by those who I thought were on my side. The devastation I suffered was so thorough, I was uncertain if I would recover. It took me a few years to be rebuilt. It was only through Jesus’ love and a couple of brothers that prayed for me and encouraged me and fought FOR me.

A Conflict Fought For Others

There is a need and a time to stand on behalf of someone else, to fight their cause for them. Paul, the Apostle wrote,

I want you to know how much I have agonized for you and for the church at Laodicea, and for many other believers who have never met me personally (Colossians 2:1)

Agonizing for others

The word “agonize” could best be understood as fighting or entering a grueling conflict.

Paul entered this grueling conflict for whom

  1. For you (The Colossians. He did not start this church).
  2. For those in Laodicea (He had never visited this town).
  3. For many others whom Paul had never met.

The Bible is filled with wishful, hopeful encouragement to not fight against each other, but to manifest deep love and support for each other.

They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another (John 13:35).

I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel (Philippians 1:27).

In this teaching I address the need to turn our energies, passions, love and service to building the body, not destroying the body.

Listen and be blessed.

Categories: Colossians

Richard Bustraan

For over 30 I have lived on four continents, teaching the Bible. I want you to know Jesus. Know Him and you will know life.